
Showing posts from July, 2021

Healing Takes Time: A Year of Healing and Writing

Health Update These past few months, I focused on healing and keeping my commitment to my students (to the best of my ability. I finished teaching on May 21, 2021). Healing from cancer, in my case, Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma , is life-changing, takes time and nearly all of my energy. I had four rounds of chemotherapy. I would say a prayer each time the oncology nurses would insert the medicine into the IV line connected to my port, which I named Lucy.  Shortly after I wrote the last blog entry, I entered the hospital for five days of chemotherapy. My body didn't take too well to the medicine being infused into my system. I had hallucinations and lost my appetite. I had to stay in the hospital an extra day to make sure I was eating. I wanted to go home so badly that I forced myself to start eating even though I wasn't hungry. But after a little while, I began to feel hungry.  Dr. Paul, the medical oncologist, consulted with Banner's sarcoma specialist. They decided to forego