Reaching Out to Women Priests
Today, I replied to the three women priests who responded to my request to be a part of my dissertation study. All three agreed! I am still waiting on one more response. I included the Recruitment Letter and the Consent Form in my request. One of the women priests included her signed consent form. My first signed consent form! I emailed them to ask for dates and times that we could meet in January and February 2021. I will be conducting interviews, which I call pláticas, heart-to-heart conversations. What I like to call, I-to-I talks. In future posts, I will discuss the theoretical framework and the methodology that I'm using for my dissertation. I have been energized since I learned that my study was approved. I'm looking forward to meeting with the women. (Quote by Gloria Anzaldúa, n.d.) Yesterday, I found several Catholic women priests that I believe their voices would be important to include in my study. My dissertation committee encouraged me to only in...